
A Few Sketches of Roman Catholic Contacts in the 1960s in Chicago

I remember going down to talk to Karl Meyer 
in a little house south of North Avenue
Karl was part of the Catholic Worker movement
I had already demonstrated with Dorothy Day in NYC
against fall out shelters
That was in the 50s this was in the 60s
My leaning has always been pacifist and non-violent
Karl had more attitude than anyone I have ever met
Knowing him was a confrontation
I think he represented the challenge anyone does
who genuinely despises owning things
I suspect behind that attitude may
lie a lust to possess
but this is not a shrink piece
It is just a way of saying something about a few
strands of Roman Catholicism 
I encountered during the decade that I called Chicago home

I later had some glancing contact with Daniel Berrigan
and by that time I was not enamored with what seemed to me 
a conspicuous form of Catholic rectitude
I remember suggesting to Dan that
one did not need to be a poet to be against war
(I was not without attitude)
Aside from Quakers and Mennonites
and marginal Catholic activists 
pacifism was not exactly hopping in the 1960s
I distinguish pacifism from the
non-violent civil rights movement
That movement was based on a challenge to
rampant hypocrisy
and laws breached
Pacifism was and remains
a rejection of war

Another very different encounter with
Ecumenical Monasticism
was with the Taize Community in Chicago
I remember these men as delightful enjoyable
and as human as can be
Brother Frank was my main contact
and he was a superb ambassador
of this global community which remains centered in France

Had Bobby Kennedy lived and become President
I might have gotten closer to 
the mainline Catholic community
by moving to DC
As things stand I can only claim the contacts
on this page and a few
exposures in NYC of late
which I categorize under the heading
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Howard Bloom Means that Harold Bloom Is Not The Only one Worth Reading

God Problem, The: How a Godless Cosmos Creates: Howard Bloom: Amazon.com: Kindle Store: "God’s war crimes, Aristotle’s sneaky tricks, Einstein’s pajamas, Information Theory’s blind spot, Stephen Wolfram’s New Kind of Science, and six monkeys at six typewriters getting it wrong. What do these have to do with the birth of a universe and with your need for meaning? Everything, as you’re about to see.How does the cosmos do something it has long been thought that only gods could achieve? How does an inanimate universe generate stunning new forms and unbelievable new powers without a Creator? How does the cosmos create? That’s the central question of The God Problem: How a Godless Cosmos Creates."

'via Blog this'

Long ago I thought entropy is nuts. Syntropy, well now syntropy ... Someone who understands science and math has written a Peircean book without evidently being familiar with Peirce. That would confirm the hypothesis of Peirce, Bloom and myself. .

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