
Every Evil Ever Done Had One of Two Causes

Every evil ever done had one of two causes
Accident which took life
Willed action that took life
Accident and will are the sole causes of what we call evil
That everything is ultimately good is a supposition
That can only be believed if experience makes it believable
Lives lived according to Abba's way
Believe in the ultimate redemption of all
Because of the experience of awareness of the ultimate unity of all things
In Abba
Thus those evils attributed to accident are ultimately
Redeemed and made good
And those evils that result from willful evil
Do not finally stand
Is this the meaning of resurrection
It is the meaning of the experience of ultimate unity
Resurrection is likewise a supposition
Its meanings are varied
In Abba's Way resurrection is seen as knowledge of the vindication of Abba
And of the way of Abba
In the face of the evil that results from actions for which we bear responsibility
All human beings bear some responsibility for willed evil

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RECCMENDATION Richard Gordon Quantum Touch

The Slow as Molasses Press